Computer Science

Briefing Paper: Diversity in the ICT Workplace

26 March 2020 | Swinburne University | ICT Report

Australia is rapidly becoming more culturally and demographically diverse, and Australia’s workforce will follow suit as legislative pressure, market forces and demand for skilled workers lower the barrier to entry for minorities. Consequently, organisations will need strategies to manage and harness diversity. In this brief, I discussed the benefits and challenges of ICT workplace diversification, and how to harness it. Read more…

Unit Testing

31 October 2018 | Swinburne University | Programming Report

What is unit testing? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What types of software development does it work best for? And what should you do to get the most out of your unit tests? Read more…

Agile Backlogs

13 October 2018 | Swinburne University | Programming Report

What are agile backlogs? How do they differ from software requirements? How do agile teams use backlogs and what impact does that have? And how should you ensure your agile backlogs are fit for purpose? Read more…

Requirements in Agile Software Development

6 October 2018 | Swinburne University | Programming Report

What are software development requirements? What are user stories and functional requirements? How are they used and what are the impacts of good and bad requirements in agile software development? And how do you create good requirements for agile software development? Read more…

Requirements in Traditional Software Development

16 September 2018 | Swinburne University | Programming Report

What are software development requirements? What are the impacts of good and bad requirements? And how do you create high-quality requirements? Read more…

Merge Conflicts

13 September 2018 | Swinburne University | Programming Report

What is version control? What is branching and merging? What are merge conflicts? And how can you fix them? Read more…

Comparing Programming Languages: C# vs Object Pascal

19 October 2017 | Swinburne University | Programming Report

What types of programming languages are C# and Object Pascal? How are they similar? How do they differ? And where does one excel where the other is lacking? Read more…

Object Oriented Programming Principles

27 September 2017 | Swinburne University | Programming Report

What is object oriented programming? What are programming objects? What do abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism mean? And how might you use object oriented programming to solve a problem? Read more…

What Goes Into a Program?

23 April 2017 | Swinburne University | Programming Report

What is a program? How does it use data? How is a program controlled through code? And how is that code broken up into manageable sections? Read more…